
Finding a Church can be confusing these days. Many questions come to mind:

  • what are the worship services like?
  • what programs do they have for me, for my family?
  • what are their stances on political and social issues?

At University Baptist Church, we try to take some of the confusion out of church. We have lively but traditional worship services, well-organized and functional ministries, and enjoyable fellowships. We offer a mid-week Bible study led by Rev. Annable on various topics that draw on a variety of resources, including some from other faith traditions. Our current study is Context by Josh Scott. Exploring the Chapter Behind the Verse.

Also, we don’t like to pressure people to conform to a certain worldview. We at University Baptist are an independent-minded lot! We don’t make up your mind for you; we believe that you can, with some appropriate guidance, decide how God is leading you for yourself. YOU decide what programs or ministries in which to be involved, how to interpret the Bible, AND who to vote for! In other words, we don’t ask you to check your mind or heart at the door.

We will, however, provide the gentle assistance you need in order to maximize your spiritual growth and to find your place of service in God’s world. We will support you when you need encouragement. We will celebrate your successes and mourn with you when you experience loss. And we do all this in an atmosphere of acceptance, warmth, unity and appreciation of the diversity that is found in the family of God. Sound good to you? Then come join us at University Baptist Church, a real church for a real world.

We continue to have in-person services with safe distance practices.

email: ubc11@ubccarbondale.org                                               www.facebook.com/UBC.Carbondale
Phone: 618.457.0323

Worship 10:45am

Bible Study 6 P.M.